Personal Idea Pad (PDF Download)


Stop waiting for ideas to magically appear. Now there’s a more practical, effective way to generate ideas when you need them. Meet PIP, your Personal Idea Pad.

Stop waiting for ideas to magically appear. Now there’s a more practical, effective way to generate ideas when you need them. Meet PIP, your Personal Idea Pad.

PIP structures your thought.

It’s easy to get stuck in ruts. PIP helps you look at things from a fresh perspective by providing the framework you need for creative traction and more focused thinking.

PIP opens your mind.

A narrow focus leads to overlooked ideas. PIP broadens your horizons by surrounding your creative challenge with multiple perspectives—future, past, conceptual and concrete—to maximize your chances of generating a brilliant idea.

PIP is for you.

If you work with your mind to solve problems, lead teams or dream up new ideas, PIP is for you. Managers use PIP to generate ideas for team projects. Designers use it to explore novel directions for their work. Salespeople use PIP to discover new markets for their products.

In short, if you need a fresh perspective and some killer ideas, PIP can help. It’s a great addition to your idea generation arsenal.

The PIP download is available immediately upon purchase.

Your purchase licenses you to make as many copies as needed for personal use. The PIP PDF worksheet may not be shared, distributed, or published without permission. 

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