I write about creativity, leadership, and passion for work.


The Thing You Do Every Day

It’s not just the big efforts that make a difference. More often than not it’s the little things that you do every day that actually move the needle.

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Create Work That Lasts (My Interview With Chase Jarvis)

A few weeks ago I had the chance to travel to LA for an interview with one of my favorite creators and entrepreneurs, Chase Jarvis. Chase is an incredible photographer, and is the co-founder of CreativeLIVE, a platform designed to help creative pros to learn new skills from the best in the business.

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Keep Your Leadership Fire Alive

If you lead a team of people, you have the responsibility to keep your flame burning bright and hot. Yes, you can still do your job for a while without inspiration, but eventually your team will catch on to the fact that you’re not really smoking what you’re selling, and they’ll start to wonder whether their sacrifices are really worth it.

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Learn To Say No (So That You Can Say Yes)

Brilliant ideas often bubble up in the white space – the areas between our frenetic activity – and if you don’t take care to intentionally carve that white space, you might find that you’re active, but not productive.

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The Dangers Of Keeping Score

Ever feel anxious about your work even though things are going really well? It might be because you are keeping score in ways that don’t even matter.

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