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Make It Convenient I love playing the guitar. When I was in a band and played almost every night, I definitely got my fill of music. It seemed like the guitar was in my hands all the time, and I was writing songs in every spare moment. As I got older, changed career paths, and …
Influence vs. Control Early in your career, you are rewarded based on how effectively you con- trol your work. You are primarily tasked with executing decisions being made by others, and if you deliver on expectations consistently, you will eventually be rewarded with more responsibility. You might even be pro- moted into a role where …
Bird by Bird In Bird by Bird, her phenomenal book on writing, Anne Lamott shared the story of a time when her younger brother was overwhelmed by a school project. He was supposed to categorize a large number of birds but had put off the project until the last minute. Distraught, he sat at the kitchen …
What Will You Regret? If you ask people who are near death what they regret the most, they rarely talk about the aggressive mistakes they made. Rather, they will tell you about the opportunities they didn’t seize, the risks they deferred, or the relationships they chose not to reconcile until it was too late. It’s …
Pulled in Two Different Directions There are a few inevitable tensions that we live in as creative pros. One big one is the time vs. value tension, meaning that although we are expected to work for a certain number of hours each week, we are actually paid for the value we create during that time. This creates …
Low Overhead What does creative freedom look like to you? Is it being able to make whatever choices you want, whenever you want, about whatever work you choose to take on? Or is it something more like living where you want, working where you want, and having the space to never have to compromise your …
As Goes the Leader An old piece of wisdom says, “As goes the leader, so goes the team.” This means that if you aren’t taking care of yourself, you are in turn putting those who rely on you at risk. If you aren’t taking care of yourself, you will have nothing to offer your team. …
Author and entrepreneur Derek Sivers once made a wonderful obser- vation. He said that many people marvel at the ideas of their peers and exclaim, “I could never come up with something like that. All my ideas are too obvious.” The funny thing is, according to Sivers, those brilliant and amazing ideas often feel just …
The Daily Creative book is now available for pre-order! Plus, you can receive a ton of great bonuses, including getting the audiobook for free, or you can even start reading the book right now when you register your pre-order. Learn how at DailyCreativeBook.com. Today’s entry from the book is called Influence vs. Control.
The Daily Creative book is now available for pre-order! Plus, you can receive a ton of great bonuses, including getting the audiobook for free, or you can even start reading the book right now when you register your pre-order. Learn how at DailyCreativeBook.com. Today’s entry from the book is called Make It Convenient.
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