Tools, Instruments, Devices

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In this episode, we explore the intersection of creativity, technology, and what it means to be human in a technological age with our guest, Andy Crouch. We discuss the defining features of technology and how it impacts our ability to be persons in the world. Andy explains the difference between tools and devices, and how devices replace human effort and skill, leading to expanded capabilities but diminished burden.

We delve into the hidden bargain of technology, where “you no longer have to” becomes “you no longer can,” and eventually, “now you have to.” This innovation bargain is illustrated through examples such as music streaming and the controversial Apple ad showcasing the “great flattening” of creative tools into an iPad.

Andy shares his thoughts on human taste and how it is developed through difficult encounters with the real. We discuss the dangers of settling for AI-generated content and the importance of maintaining our humanity in the face of technological advancements.

Five key learnings from the episode:

1. Technology is the defining feature of our age, and it is impacting our ability to be persons in the world.

2. Devices replace human effort and skill, leading to expanded capabilities but diminished burden.

3. The hidden bargain of technology is that “you no longer have to” becomes “you no longer can,” and eventually, “now you have to.”

4. Human taste is developed through difficult encounters with the real, and it is essential for discerning what is worthwhile in creative work.

5. We must actively decide not to surrender our humanity to technology and maintain our ability to think deeply and create meaningful work.

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